Monday, May 24, 2010

20 Quick Street Photography Tips by Darren Rowse

1. Less is More – don’t take too much equipment and travel light. It’ll make you less obtrusive and you will be able to move around for the best shot quickly.
2. Off the Beaten Track – don’t just go to all the touristy shots – try to get ‘behind the scenes’ and ‘real life’ scenes.
3. Stolen Moments – anticipate moments between people before they happen.
4. True Colours – black and white is often where it’s at with street photography but at times colourful situations arise and can really make a shot – be on the look out for these.
5. In the Background – what’s goign on behind your subject can actually ‘make’ the shot. Billboards, signs, graffiti and other visual elements can really make a statement in a shot.
6. Dare to Go Diagonal – don’t just hold your camera horizontally – experiment with angles. Street photography is a less formal medium – make the most of it.
7. Opposites Attract – shots which challenge the ‘norm’ in terms of composition and story/subject matter can be powerful. Look out for ’surprising’ subject matter and composition.
8. What a Performance – street performers, parades and other street entertainment can be great subject matter on the street.
9. Off the Streets – other places where people gather in number can lead to great shots in this genre – zoos, fairs, shows, parks, sporting events etc all can be worth trying.
10. New Angle – find ways to get up high or down low – these new perspectives on subjects that are familiar can lead to eye catching shots.
11. Practice makes Perfect – over time and with practice your photography will improve. You’ll not only get better at technique but also spotting the things to focus upon on the street.
12. Fortune Favors the Brave – sometimes the best thing you can do is to get close to your subject – this can be a little confronting but will produce powerful images
13. Fun in the Sun – often we try to avoid shooting into the sun and the shadows that direct sunlight can produce – in street photography breaking these ‘rules’ can lead to great shots.
14. Ready to Pounce – have your camera out and ready to shoot at all times. Things can move quickly on the street so if you’re not ready you’ll miss lots of opportunities.
15. Revise the Revisit – street photography is not all about spontaneity – if you see a scene with potential don’t be afraid to keep coming back to it until you get the shot.
16. Frozen Motion – the street is a place of movement – to capture it and still get sharp shots make sure your shutter speed is fast enough. 1/125 or more with an ISO of 400 is what this article recommended as a base. I also think it can be fun to experiment with slower shutter speeds on the street – capture the movement as blur.
17. Street Wallpaper – blend in with the scene – shoot unobtrusively and unnoticed.
18. Life Through a Lens – ‘exaggerating perspective will help set your subject in context and provide a more forgiving depth of field’ – use a wide angle lens (or even a fisheye).
19. Expect the Expected – people can be suspicious of street photographers so shoot in places where people expect to see people doing photography. Smile, be polite and be willing to delete images if people protest.
20. Location, Location, Location – really this is what it is all about. Choose places where people interact with one another and times when they are present.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Limited Edition Nikon – will we ever see one?

Here is a good way for Nikon to start making some extra money – start selling all white, limited edition Nikon cameras for 40% price premium

source :

Friday, May 21, 2010

Reasons why Photo Books Are Better Than Photo Albums

We often preserve our special occasions as well as important events by creating photo albums. A photo album is a book where you can arrange the photos in the chronological order or by your own choice. But have you ever thought of creating a photo book any time? Normally, the answer is “no”, as we are so used to traditional photo albums and we aren’t necessarily aware of how print and online technology have converged to make the photo book a reality. We use new and latest types of albums,but not the photo book concept. The photo book is the one of most creative concepts of sharing photos and preserving them.

There are several reasons how photo books are better than photo albums:

1. Personal and Customized Design - Photo book gives a space to use your creativity and allow you to personally design your photo book. You have full control over the size, shape, colour and arrangement of photos. You have the liberty to use one full page for a photo or arrange 100 photos in one page.

2. Printing Professionally - These personally designed photos are printed on the page rather than photo paper as we do in albums. These prints are directly printed on the page, which eliminates problems like fingerprints, and does not need any acid proof paper to protect them from fading.

3. Easy to carry and slim - The normal photo albums are heavy to carry and thick, but the photo books are easy to carry, thin and slim to handle, as they are printed on paper. We take care of its professional printing quality and binding to ensure that your memories are preserved for a lifetime.

4. Mixing of images - in photo book you can merge or overlay any photo with another, you can cut, copy and paste elements, photos can be retated, colour combinations can be changed, etc. so you can mix your creativity in preserving the images in any way you wish. Also, you can write text or messages besides the photos.

5. Cost effective - photo books are cost-effective when compared with high quality photo albums, scrap books & memories supplies. You can use any design of your choice, without damaging your pictures and not wasting any supplies. You can get a top quality photo book done quickly, easily and economically.

6. Present it in your style - being the designer, you have total control on the photo book outcome, so you can design it and present it in your own unique way.

7. A fun activity - designing a photo book is a fun and joyful activity. Try it once, and you will be hooked.

Take out your old photos which are lying hidden in your hard-drive and turn it into a beautiful photo book you can share with your family and friends